
Showing posts from June, 2020

Veggie Gardening

Okay, so in my last post I was drooling over the benefits of plant therapy, here I will be showing some home grown vegetable plants for my kitchen. It is totally organic and nutritious. One thing I want to say is if I can do it then anyone can do it as it is not difficult at all, all you need is some patience. Hence, I urge you all to invest some of your time in gardening, it will pay off. Here is a sneak peak of my tiny garden, hope you like it! 💚 Capsicum plant Potato plant Chickpea plant

Growing with Plants 🌿

Since the beginning of lock down and Quarantine, I tried to engage myself in positive activities. Apart from art and meditation I thought of gardening too. It is when I started reading about different techniques of plantation, garden hacks etc. I tried my hand in planting Coriander, Pearl millet, Okra and Aloe vera. Hence,  it is rightly said that gardening is a form of Plant Therapy which boosts mental health. Here is a sneak peak of my tiny garden. Hope you enjoy the photography! 💚  Center of attention! White roses Okra Plant provides a handful of totally organic and nutritious lady fingers. Pearl Millet, for the birds and off course beauty! Guava looks yum. Waiting for it to ripe!   Totally organic home grown Coriander Beautiful Frangipani adds beauty to my garden Lastly, a huge Aloe Vera plant for skin, hair, burns and what not!