Welcoming New Plants! 🌱

I bought some new plants this morning for my teeny-tine garden and I'm just overwhelmed. Buying plants is another kind of therapy I guess, you feel so contented and excited at the same time. Before that, I was growing plants through seeds and raw vegetable. I don't know exactly what this feeling is. Anyway, coming back to the topic, they are so small yet amazing. Let me share some pictures first.

The very first picture is of Impatiens. These plants/flowers are commonly found in Pakistan. Impatiens are naturally in color white and pink color. The flower they bear are odorless yet they add freshness and beauty to the garden. I have bought two plants of Impatiens also called as touch-me-not. I am excited to plant them near my reading spot!

The next one is yet another beautiful plant which is called Daphnes.They are the evergreen species and bear vibrant colored flowers. They look peppy and exotic. I found them in dark pink and glowing yellowish shade. I couldn't make a fair choice between these two beauties so end up buying both! 😉 Here, have a look!

Last but not the least, is the Jasmine plant. I have heard that its flower has killer fragrance. I hope it blooms quickly so I ca experience it myself. That's all for today, I will share the transfer process of these new guests into my backyard soon. Hope it goes smoothly (fingers crossed) ✌.

Jasmine plant

Stay tuned, Cheers and Goodbye! 💚


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